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In the Buford - Sugar Hill area 

Veins Treatment Through Sclerotherapy

Embark on your journey to healthier veins with our treatments, expertly provided by our board-certified clinician, Dr. Ashar, APRN DNP. Sclerotherapy is a cutting-edge, minimally invasive procedure designed to target and improve the appearance of visible veins on both the face and body. Driven by precision and expertise, our approach ensures a comprehensive and effective solution for vein-related concerns.

Unlock the path to healthier veins with our Sclerotherapy veins treatments. Contact us today to schedule your Sclerotherapy free consultation with our board-certified clinician, Dr. Ashar, APRN DNP, and discover the transformative effects of this advanced treatment. 

Your path to healthier, more beautiful veins starts here.

Benefits of Sclerotherapy

  • Minimization of Spider Veins: Say goodbye to the visibility of spider veins on your skin with our specialized treatment.

  • Safe and Non-Invasive: Our board-certified experts perform this procedure with the utmost care, ensuring a safe and non-invasive experience for our patients.

  • Personalized Treatment Plans: Recognizing that every patient is unique, we tailor our treatments to address individual needs and deliver optimal results.

  • Enhanced Confidence: Experience the confidence boost that comes with smoother, vein-free skin, enhancing your overall appearance.

  • Quick Recovery: With minimal downtime, you can resume your daily activities shortly after the procedure, making Sclerotherapy a convenient option for busy lifestyles.

sclerotherapy Tactus Health

Your Path to Relief and Confidence

Facing spider vein issues? You’re not alone. A substantial 40 million Americans grapple with venous insufficiency, yet only 1.9 million actively pursue vein treatment each year.

This prevalent concern affects 41% of women with varicose veins by age 50 and 42% of men with some form of venous insufficiency by age 60.

Discover relief through expert care tailored just for you. Schedule your complimentary vein evaluation today by calling (678) 892-9230. Don’t let vein issues hinder your life – take the first step toward healthier, more confident living

Frequently Asked Questions

It is a minimally invasive procedure that involves injecting a solution directly into veins, causing them to collapse and fade over time. It’s commonly used to treat spider veins and small varicose veins.

Patients may experience some discomfort during the injection, but the pain is generally minimal. Most individuals tolerate the procedure well.

The length of a session depends on the number of veins being treated. On average, a session may take around 30 minutes to an hour.

Mild side effects such as bruising, swelling, or redness at the injection site are common but temporary. Most individuals can resume regular activities immediately after the procedure..

The number of sessions varies based on the extent of the vein issue. Multiple sessions may be recommended for optimal results, with noticeable improvements after each session.

However, candidacy for the treatment will ultimately be determined by a healthcare provider, such as Tactus Health Aesthetics & Wellness, after a thorough evaluation.

Sclerotherapy is commonly used to treat spider veins on the legs, thighs, and face. It is not typically recommended for larger varicose veins.

While generally safe, Sclerotherapy may not be suitable for individuals with certain medical conditions. A thorough consultation with a healthcare provider is essential to determine candidacy.

Results vary, but many patients see improvement within a few weeks to a month. The full effects may take a few months to become apparent as treated veins gradually fade.

Tactus Health Aesthetics and Weight Loss Clinic

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For new patients, we provide a complimentary medical consultation to talk about your objectives, address queries, and design an optimal treatment strategy. Contact us via phone or complete a brief form to schedule an appointment